July 2025: Other Death (Másik halál) with Seagull Books London. Translator: Owen Good.
February, 2025: A kilencedik (The Ninth), 3rd edition, Jelenkor Kiadó, Budapest.
Bis ans Ende unserer Leben. Reading and dicussion with Márton Méhes, Emese Dallos, Ferenc Barnás. A joint event of the Krems Independent Literature House of Lower Austria and the Collegium Hungaricum Wien. Vienna, February 17, 2025.
Winter 2025: the author works on his new novel at Literaturhaus NÖ, Kunstmeile, Krems, Austria.
Leipziger Buchmesse, Forum Weltweit: Reading and discussion with Ferenc Barnás and Jörg Plath. Leipziger Book Fair, April 27, 2023.
Buch Wien, Donau Lounge. Reading and discussion with Cornelius Hell and Suse Lichtenberger. Wiener International Book Fair and Festival, November 27, 2022.
Lange Nacht der Litearur: 9 countries, 9 authors, 9 worlds. Initiated by Tschechisches Zentrum Wien, organized by EUNIC Austria. Bis ans Ende unserer Leben – reading and discussion with Anzelm Bárány and Katalin Blaskó. Collegium Hungaricum Wien, October 21, 2022.
Spiegelungen: Ungarischer Sonderweg. Review of Bis ans Ende unserer Leben. August 25, 2022.
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Lesart: Die Hölle Großfamilie. Jörg Plath’s review of Bis ans Ende unserer Leben. July 8, 2022.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Ziemlich trocken nach Indonesien. Lerke von Saalfeld’s review of Bis ans Ende unserer Leben. June 28, 2022.
“RISSE”: The Bis ans Ende userer Leben is on the Frankfurter literaTurm Festival:
– ODDO BHF, Frankfurt, June 29, 2022, 6PM
reading and discussion with Shirin Sojitrawalla
– Villa Kohnstamm, Königstein im Taunus, June 30, 2022, 7:30PM
reading and discussion with Beate Tröger
The Bis ans Ende unserer Leben is No. 2 on SWR Bestenliste. May 2022.
ORF Ö1 Ex libris: Trost in der Sprache. Jörg Plath’s review of Bis ans Ende unserer Leben. April 3, 2022.
WDR 3 Gutenberg’s Welt: Familienaufstellung. Beate Tröger’s review of Bis ans Ende unserer Leben (36-43. m). March 5, 2022.
Hungarian Studies: The Parasite. The eschatology of physicality. József Szili’s review of The Parasite. AK Journals, February 2022.
March 1, 2022: Bis ans Ende unserer Leben (Életünk végéig) with Schöffling & Co., Frankfurt. Translator: Eva Zador.
December 15, 2020: The Parasite (Az élősködő) with Seagull Books London. The translation was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (USA). Translator: Paul Olchváry.
The Parasite. Virtual book launch with Nicholas Lezard, Paul Olchváry and Ferenc Barnás, organized by the Hungarian Cultural Centre London. May 27, 2021.
The author was shortlisted for the European Writers 2021 programme EUNIC London.
The Parasite was highlighted in The Hindu. March 13, 2021.
HLO – Hungarian Literature Online: “A certain sort of suffering carries us out of time and space”, Part 1 of 2. 29 January, 2021. Part 2 of 2. 13 February, 2021. Ferenc Barnás, author of The Parasite (Seagull Books), reflects on his extraordinary career and oeuvre in this conversation with the novel’s translator, Paul Olchváry.
literalab highlights HLO interview in Literary roundup. February 2, 2021.
The Parasite is one of Firstpost’s Books of the week. January 12, 2021.
The Parasite in the Times Literary Supplement, November 13, 2020.
The Calvert Journal: By the book: 9 new titles to get in your literary calendar in 2020. The Parasite by Ferenc Barnás. Seagull Books, out in 15 December 2020. January 9, 2020.
Életünk végéig (To The Ends Of Our Lives), Pesti Kalligram, Budapest, September 2019.
The Életünk végéig (To The Ends of Our Lives) has been shortlisted for the Libri Literary Awards 2020. March 25, 2020.
The Életünk végéig (To The Ends Of Our Lives) has been shortlisted for the Aegon Prize 2020. February 26, 2020. Best Books of 2019. Ferenc Barnás: Életünk végéig (To The Ends Of Our Lives) – Kalligram. January 15, 2020.
Book launch with Sándor Bazsányi and Sándor Mészáros at Írók Boltja, October 4, 2019.
Margó Festival of Literature and Book Fair: Életünk végéig. Reading and discussion with Eni Rostás, Júlia Tóth-Czifra, and Ferenc Barnás. October 11, 2019.
Ploughshares: Another Death: ellipsis. About the author. Winter, 2019-20.
HLO: Ferenc Barnás’s The Parasite at Seagull Books. October 18, 2019.
ABC / The Bookshelf: Reading Roberto Bolaño’s The Spirit of Science Fiction and Delphine de Vigan’s Loyalties plus the bookshelves of Lynda La Plante and Ferenc Barnás. Kate Evans’ radio interview with the author at the 2018 Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. Sydney, February 15, 2019.
Ryan Tracy: Musical setting of “The Ninth”. Music by Ryan Tracy. Text from A kilencedik (or The Ninth) by Ferenc Barnás, from the English translation by Paul Olchvary. Paula White, soprano. The piece was recorded in New York in 2010.
Other Recent Publications
Another Death: ellipsis (Másik halál: ellipszis). Trans. Owen Good, Ploughshares, Boston, Winter 2019-2020.
December 2017: Devátý (A kilencedik) with Protimluv, Ostrava (Czechia). Translated by Marta Pató.
Discussion on Devátý with Marta Pató, Jiří Macháček, Attila Pató; translator Eszter Honti. Café Fra, Prague, 12.05.2018.
Magyar Intézet Prága / Maďarský institut v Praze presents: reading and discussion with Marta Pató, Evžen Gál, Ferenc Barnás. Book World Prague 2018, 11.05.2018.
10.05.2018., University of Pardubice, Pardubice: reading and discussion with Tadeáš Dohňanský, Marta Pató, and Ferenc Barnás.
09.05.2018., Dúm Umeni, Ostrava: reading and discussion with Oskar Mainx, Marta Pató, Attila Pató, Ferenc Barnás.
November 2017: Le parasite (Az élősködő) with MEET (Les Bilingues), Saint Nazaire. Translated by Agnès Járfás. Book launch: Institut Hongrois de Paris, 22.11.2017. Discussion on Le parasite with Francesca Isidori, Agnès Járfás, Guillaume Compiano.
Écrire á Saint Nazaire: Ferenc Barnás, Yigit Bener, Enis Batur, Perrine Leblanc. Animation: Alain Nicolas, Base Sous-Marine, Saint-Nazaire, 18.11.2017.